About the Doctor

Days have changed, lifestyle has changed, habits have changed, there is a big generation gap, when Dr Vasudevan entered in to his practice naming his clinic after his father as 'Dr Ananth's Homeo Clinic'. He realised that jaundice was not as simple as his father’s days. Though he used to sit with his father to assist him since 1976, he gained the knowledge of treating jaundice cases and a vague idea about Homoeopathy and treating patients. Dr Vasudevan started his full fledged practice in 1984, after his completion of D.H.M.S After day to day discoveries in the medical field, he could realise the multiple varieties, in jaundice due to viral infections like A, B, C, D & E, Obstructive jaundice, Haemolytic jaundice, etc. So now the approach has changed, various laboratory investigations are helpful in treating the cases most successfully and analysing the prognosis of the patient with the Disease.
This part is upto the treatment of jaundice and liver Diseases as the sixth generation successor with the most presently available advanced scientific medicinal approach. It does not end here. Having graduated in one of the famous Homeopathic Medical colleges at Kottayam, Kerala, India, in 1984, Dr vasudevan is able to treat most of the chronic and acute diseases of the mankind in the most gentle and simplest and harmless way with the sweet pills of homoeopathy. Apart from treating jaundice cases, Dr Vasudevan has patients almost from all over the world for various diseases.
Dr.vasudevans Profile: I am Dr Vasudevan, aged about 50 years. I am a practicing Homoeopath since 1984. I did my Homoeopathic course at Kottayam, Kerala, in India from 1979 to 1984. My Mother Tongue is Telugu. I can speak Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and English fluently and Hindi to a certain extent. I can understand Hindi and Kannada. I have special treatment for jaundice. We have this specialised treatment continuing since six generations. Hence most of the hepatitis cases, I treat, can be cured and cases of ’Hepatitis-B' can be cured or controlled.
Homeopathy is a system of medical treatment scientifically proved by a German Scientist and treats almost all diseases-a few surgical and almost all non-surgical cases effectively without any side effects, which was the ultimate Goal of the founder who developed this system. I have treated various diseases from Head to Foot in my 23 years of Practice. I have attended various Homeopathic Seminars and also chaired a Few. I have also given Lectures on Various Subjects in Television. Lastly I have given 17 Episodes in Doordarshan in the year 2006. I also had an opportunity and privilege as a Chief Guest to hoist my National Flag in a reputed school in Chennai on an Independence Day. I also served as the President of Tamilnadu Homeopathic Medical Association - Chennai. I am an authorised Physician for Indian Airlines and ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation) for more than 10 years. Homoeopathy treats the PATIENT with the Disease and not the DISEASE itself.